First Christian Church of Decatur warmly and cordially invites you to attend and participate in our 2024 Chrismon Service. Like the three kings presenting gifts to Jesus, we will present our offering in the form of Chrismons. First Christian Church of Decatur has had the privilege and honor of celebrating the seasons of Advent and Christmas during its Chrismon Service for over 45 years. It is our hope that you join in the celebration and this long time tradition.
Introduction to Chrismons
At Christmas, not only does the star lead us to Bethlehem, but also to Nazareth, Galilee, Capernaum, Jerusalem, Calvary, and Heaven. For as part of Jesus’ birth, we also celebrate His life and ministry, His death and resurrection, and His ultimate victory over the powers of sin and death.
Like the three kings, we present our gifts to Jesus and to one another. Today we will present our offering in the form of Chrismon. “Chrismon” is a combination of two words: CHRISt and MONogram. A Chrismon is a symbol of Christ.
Christian symbols date back to the early church. They are found on the walls of the Roman catacombs, on Jewelry and utensils from excavations in Palestine and elsewhere. Early Christians used them to identify themselves to one another, to designate meeting places, and sometimes to show seekers symbols of their faith. These symbols of the early church served to transmit the faith and beliefs of the followers of Jesus Christ.
Chrismons were first used in 1957 to decorate a Christmas tree in the Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Danville, Virginia. They were composed of white and gold materials. White is symbolic of our Lord’s purity and perfection. Gold is representative of God’s majesty, glory and triumph. The green balsam is symbolic of promised healing. The little white lights on the tree point to the Christ as the light of the world.
Each Chrismon is described in Scripture and refers to some aspect of Jesus Christ. As the particular Scripture passage is read, the person with the Chrismon will bring it forward, where it will be placed on the Chrismon Tree. The congregation will read responsively the meaning of the symbols.
The Christmas Rose
The Angel
The Chalice
The Latin Cross
The Jerusalem Cross
The Tau Cross with Serpent
The Sacrificial Lamb
The Butterfly
The Dove and Shell
Chi Rho & Alpha & Omega
The Fish
The Shepherd’s Staff
The Cross and Orb
The Iota-Chi
The Crown
HIS and Cross